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News & Social


Edwin Chemerinsky
Alumni Reunion Weekend
Alumni Weekend
Alumni Awards
Alumni Reunion Weekend
Alumni Weekend After Party
Reunion Weekend
Rockefeller Chapel Graduation

Maroon For Life

Since 1896, Lab has nurtured the exceptional minds of thousands of students and our alumni network continues to grow stronger with every graduating class.

Welcome Lab Alumni

This dedicated page connects you, our valued alumni, to the vibrant Laboratory Schools community. Reconnect with classmates, explore upcoming events, and relive the cherished memories that make you a proud Lab graduate.

Alumni Directory

Connect with Lab Alumni from all over the world and update your own profile by logging in to the university of Chicago Alumni Portal.

Alumni Weekend

Alumni Association Executive Board

Advancing the mission of the Laboratory Schools, Lab's Alumni Association Executive Board brings commitment, expertise, engagement, and lived experience to the table.

Laboratory Schools Gradauate

Save the Date for Alumni Weekend

Plans are already underway for the next Alumni Weekend. Stay in the loop as reunion year committees start making plans. Click for more information.

Alumni Weekend

Alumni Awards

Each year during Alumni Weekend, the Laboratory Schools community publicly and formally recognizes and celebrates the outstanding achievements and remarkable accomplishments of our distinguished alumni.

Alumni Awards

Get Involved.

There are many ways to reconnect with your fellow Lab classmates, from attending alumni events and mentoring current students to joining online communities and giving back to the school that shaped you.

Upcoming Events

The Lives & Times

A Tale of Three  Pulitzers
Heather Preston

Labbie roots lead three journalists to Pulitzer-winning projects on police brutality, the American incarceration system, and the COVID-19 pandemic

A Walk Across America_thumbnail

Sam Rezaei and James Dill recollect their walk from New York to California as a “completely different chapter of our lives.”

A Tale of Three  Pulitzers

Labbie roots lead three journalists to Pulitzer-winning projects on police brutality, the American incarceration system, and the COVID-19 pandemic


Senior Getaway was the turning point for one couple. An invitation to listen to the new Miles David record marked the beginning for another.

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