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Ways to Give

Lab gratefully accepts gifts through a variety of means, making it easy, safe, and secure to give.


Gifts of Cash

The easiest, fastest, and most flexible way to support students, faculty, and initiatives at the University of Chicago Laboratory Schools is by making a gift of cash.

Give by Phone

The easiest, fastest way!

To pay by credit card, please call 1-888-UCHICAGO (1-888-824-4224).

Give Online

One-time or recurring gifts can be made at The security of your information is very important to us. We use Secure Socket Layer (SSL) encryption technology to protect the security of your online gift information.

Give by Mail

Send your check by mail to:
The Laboratory Schools
Office of Alumni Relations and Development
N104 Belfield West
1362 E. 59th Street
Chicago, IL 60637
Checks should be made payable to the University of Chicago. Please indicate the fund you wish to support in the memo line.

UChicago Employees

Payroll Deduction: Available to UChicago employees, this is a convenient way to divide your gift into monthly installments. Download the payroll deduction authorization here.

Gifts of Securities

Gifting securities often results in substantial tax benefits to the donor. Whether you choose to gift marketable securities, make electronic stock transfers via DTC, mutual fund transfer, physical delivery and transfer date, or you want to defer a gift, our knowledgeable team would be happy to help you plan. Email or call (773-702-0578) Lab’s Alumni Relations and Development Office directly when planning to make this kind of gift.


Learn More

Matching Gifts

Matching gift benefits can double—sometimes triple—the impact of your gift.

Find out if your employer or company offers matching gifts. Many matching gift policies include retirees, employee spouses, board members, and officers.

Use this matching gift lookup tool to find out if your employer offers matching gifts.


Secure a Matching Gift


Planned Giving

Visit the planned giving page of our website to learn more about how you can gift Lab through bequests, life income gifts, retirement plan assets, and real estate.






Visit Planned Giving

Donor-Advised Fund

Lab welcomes gifts from a number of sources, including through donor-advised funds (DAFs). DAF grants, however, cannot be used to satisfy a pre-existing pledge. Under Internal Revenue Code regulations, a DAF also cannot be used to pay for any portion of a fundraising event ticket or table. Doing so could subject you and the managers of your fund to penalties, including, but not limited to, excise taxes and disqualification of the fund as a tax-exempt entity. Prior to making a grant recommendation to Lab, please ensure that your intentions meet any guidelines or requirements of your individual DAF as suggested by your fund’s managers.
If needed when making a grant recommendation, provide the TIN (taxpayer identification number) 36-2177139. This TIN may be used for gifts supporting any part of the University.

Learn More

Wire Transfer

When making a gift of cash via wire transfer, it is important to notify the University of Chicago’s Gift Administration Office (773-702-2401) of the gift. Please also reference the donor’s name and the purpose of the gift in the wire transfer instructions:

The Northern Trust Company
Routing number: 071000152
Swift code: CNORUS44
For further credit to: The University of Chicago
Account number: 2725703


View a PDF of Instructions