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Maps, Transportation & Parking

Historic Campus

Judd Hall, 5835 S. Kimbark
Chicago, IL 60637

Earl Shapiro Hall

5800 S. Stony Island Ave.
Chicago, IL 60637

A map of the Lab campus

Parking at Earl Shapiro Hall

Street parking may be available near ESH along the Midway Plaisance or on Stony Island Avenue, but parking is restricted immediately in front of the building on the west side of Stony Island Avenue.

Visitor spots at Earl Shapiro Hall are for visitors conducting school business.

Parking at the Historic Campus

Street parking can be found along Midway Plaisance and the surrounding streets. Parking on the north side of 59th Street from Dorchester to Kimbark is restricted during the school day, and cars left unattended will be ticketed.

There are a limited number of visitor spots along Kimbark Avenue for visitors conducting school business. Please make sure to only use spaces clearly marked in orange for Lab visitors. You must obtain and display a pass from the Security Desk in the Judd Hall lobby (5835 S. Kimbark) between 9 a.m. and 4 p.m.